ADR 0003 - Content organization and accesses




We have actors. And videos, with their auxiliary files, that we’ll call for now “content”. We want this content to be organized for actors to manage/view them.


Videos are grouped in playlists, which is a Django model named Playlist. A playlist belongs to an organization (Organization model defined in actors) and is created by someone who can be a manager of this organization, or an author who belongs to this organization. This link is materialized by an author field on the Playlist model, a ForeignKey to the User model.

The manager can allow many actors to manage a playlist, so there is a ManyToMany field on the Playlist model, named editors, pointing to the User model. And instead of relying on the hidden model created by Django when creating a ManyToMany, we’ll define this model and use it via the through argument, to be able to add more rights constraints later if needed.

The author of the playlist is automatically added to this list of editors. And can be removed from it by a manager, still staying marked as the author, but being the author itself doesn’t involve any rights.

A playlist can be duplicated by a manager, and if it stays in the same organization, the manager can clear or keep the list of editors. If it is to be duplicated in another organization, the list of editors will be cleared of actors not belonging to the new organization, and the manager will still be able to clear it all or keep the remaining editors.

When duplicated, a new instance of Playlist is created, with a link to the original playlist, keeping the author. We do the same for each instances of the Video linked to this playlist, but we will still point to the same files (videos/audios/subtitles…) on the hosting provider, to keep cost manageable.

And finally, there is a flag named is_public on the playlist, that can be toggled by a manager, to tell if the playlist can be viewed by anyone or only by people who were granted access to it. This kind of access is not in the scope of this document.


Videos are grouped, which ease search and maintenance.

It is easy to change and check the rights for people to manage such a playlist.