
At the time of writing, Marsha is developed with Python 3.6 for Django 2.0.

Code quality

We enforce good code by using some linters and auto code formatting tools.

To run all linters at once, run the command:

make lint

You can also run each linter one by one. We have ones for the following tools:


We use black to automatically format python files to produce pep 8 compliant code.

The best is to configure your editor to automatically update the files when saved.

If you want to do this manually, run the command:

make black

And to check if all is correct without actually modifying the files:

make check-black


In addition to black auto-formatting, we pass the code through flake8 to check for a lot of rules. In addition to the default flake8 rules, we use these plugins:

To check your code, run the command:

make flake8


To enforce even more rules than the ones provided by flake8, we use pylint (with the help of pylint-django).

pylint may report some violations not found by flake8, and vice-versa. More often, both will report the same ones.

To check your code, run the command:

make pylint


We use python typing as much as possible, and mypy (with the help of mypy-django) to check it.

We also enforce it when defining Django fields, via the use of a “Django check”. And the type of reverse related fields must always be defined.

To check if your code is valid for mypy, run the following command:

make mypy

Following is how the types of fields must be defined. To check if some fields typing is invalid, among other problems, run the following command:

make check-django

It will tell you all found errors in typing, with indication on how to correct them.

Scalar fields

For scalar fields (CharField, IntegerField, BooleanField, DateField…), we just add the type. For each type of Django field, there is an expected type. Theses types are defined in the fields_type_mapping dict defined in marsha.core.base_models. Add the missing ones if needed.

class Foo(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the attribute ``bar`` is of type ``str``
    name: str = models.CharField(...)

One-to-one fields

The type expected for a OneToOneField is the pointed model.

And on the pointed model we set the type of the related name to the source model.

class Foo(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the attribute ``bar`` is of type ``Bar``
    bar: "Bar" = models.OneToOneField(to=Bar, related_name="the_foo")

class Bar(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the class ``Bar`` has an attribute ``the_foo`` of type ``Foo``
    the_foo: Foo

Foreign keys

The type expected for a ForeignKey is the pointed model.

On the pointed model we have a many-to-one relationship. We use a type specifically defined for that, ReverseFKType, defined in marsha.stubs.

from marsha.stubs import ReverseFKType

class Foo(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the attribute ``bar`` is of type ``Bar``
    bar: "Bar" = models.ForeignKey(to=Bar, related_name="foos")

class Bar(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the class ``Bar`` has an attribute ``foos``
    # which is a reverse foreign key for the class ``Foo``
    foos: ReverseFKType[Foo]

Many-to-many fields

To define the type of a ManyToManyField, we use a type specifically defined for that, M2MType, defined in marsha.stubs.

On the pointed model, we use the same type, as it’s also a many-to-many fields (ie it could have been defined in one model or the other).

from marsha.stubs import M2MType

class Foo(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the attribute ``bar`` is a many-to-many for the class ``Bar``
    bars: M2MType["Bar"] = models.ManyToManyField(to=Bar, related_name="foos")

class Bar(models.Model):
    # we tell mypy that the class ``Bar`` has an attribute ``foos``
    # which is a many-to-many for the class ``Foo``
    foos: M2MType[Foo]


flake8 is configured to enforce docstrings rule defined in the pep 257

In addition, we document function arguments, return types, etc… using the “NumPy” style documentation, which will be validated by flake8.


Opinionated choices

We made the opinionated choice of following this document, “Tips for Building High-Quality Django Apps at Scale”.

In particular:

  • Do not split code in many Django applications if code is tightly coupled.
  • Applications are inside the marsha package, not at root, so import are done like this:
from import bar
  • Database tables are specifically named: we do not rely on the Django auto-generation. And then we don’t prefix theses tables with the name of the project or the app. For example, a model named Video, will have the db_table attribute of its Meta class set to video. Enforced by a “Django check”.
  • Through tables for ManyToManyField relations must be defined. Enforced by a “Django check”.

In addition:

  • We enforce typing of fields and reverse related fields (see mypy). Enforced by a “Django check”.
  • We enforce defining a related name for all related field (ManyToManyField, ForeignKey, OneToOneField). Enforced by a “Django check”.

To check if theses rules are correctly applied, among other rules defined by Django itself, run:

make check-django


for these checks to work, all models must inherit from BaseModel defined in marsha.core.base_models.

Specific libraries

Here are a list of specific Django libraries we chose to use and why.


The aim is to be more specific about inheritance in settings from doc to staging to production, instead of relying on multiple files (and changing the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable accordingly), using the from .base import * pattern.

It also provides tools to get some variables from the environment and validating them.

As a consequence of this tool, some default behavior of Django don’t work anymore. It’s why the django-admin bash command is redefined in setup.cfg.


We don’t want to lose data, so everything is kept in database, but hidden from users.

See ADR 0004 - Soft deletion for details about the reasoning behind this choice.


With django-safedelete, model instances are not deleted but saved with a field deleted changing from None to the deletion date-time.

So we cannot anymore use unique_together.

django-postgres-extra provides a ConditionalUniqueIndex index, that acts like unique_together, but with a condition. We use the condition WHERE "deleted" IS NULL, to enforce the fact that only one non-deleted instance matching the fields combination can exist.


The whole Marsha project is tested.

Run this command to run all the tests:

make test

If you want to be more specific about the tests to run, use the Django command:

django-admin test
django-admin test
django-admin test


We provide a Makefile that allow to easily perform some actions.

make install
Will install the project in the current environment, with its dependencies.
make dev
Will install the project in the current environment, with its dependencies, including the ones needed in a development environment.
make dev-upgrade
Will upgrade all default+dev dependencies defined in setup.cfg.
make check
Will run all linters and checking tools.
make lint
Will run all linters (mypy, black, flake8, pylint)
make mypy
Will run the mypy tool.
make check-black
Will run the black tool in check mode only (won’t modify files)
make black
Will run the black tool and update files that need to.
make flake8
Will run the flake8 tool.
make pylint
Will run the pylint tool.
make check-django
Will run the Django check command.
make check-migrations
Will check that all needed migrations exist.
make tests
Will run django tests for the marsha project.
make doc
Will build the documentation.
make dist
Will build the package.
make clean
Will clean python build related directories and files.
make full-clean
Like make clean but will clean some other generated directories or files.